Men's Ministry

                 MINISTER                     PASTOR


                                                                     MINISTER                                                      PASTOR

                                                                     SOLOMON PENNANT                                CARLOS BOLT


We believe that all scriptures is God breathe (divinely inspired) and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correction and training in righteousness 2 Tim 3:16 NIV. therefore the vision of our Bible study is to teach the word of God, in season and out of season in a way that inspires, encourage and challenges us, so the man, woman, boy and girl will be thoroughly equipped lacking nothing. our aim also is to allow the holy spirit which is the spirit of truth to guide us and to reveal deep mysteries and revelation into the deeper things of God. we also aim to extract the riches of the word by using hermeneutical principles which allows us to put the text into context,  and to allow the word of God to speak to us by exegesis of the text.


We believe that all scriptures is God breathe (divinely inspired) and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correction and training in righteousness 2 Tim 3:16 NIV. therefore the vision of our Bible study is to teach the word of God, in season and out of season in a way that inspires, encourage and challenges us, so the man, woman, boy and girl will be thoroughly equipped lacking nothing. our aim also is to allow the holy spirit which is the spirit of truth to guide us and to reveal deep mysteries and revelation into the deeper things of God. we also aim to extract the riches of the word by using hermeneutical principles which allows us to put the text into context,  and to allow the word of God to speak to us by exegesis of the text.

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